Ponder this.

So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be. {Alfred Lord Tennyson}

We must not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time. {T.S. Eliot}

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Real Live Londoner -- Witness to History

The Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton is in crucial countdown mode, characterized by 24/7 media coverage and punditry and gaudy William & Kate plastered mementos.  Whether you are planning to watch the wedding coverage (or could care less), it's still a historic occasion occurring (and being broadcasted live) in our time.   


On November 16, 2010, as I was walking the streets of the Westminster section of London on my last day of my trip abroad, something historic and momentous was announced...and I had predicted it.

Before I left for my British adventure, I intuited to my family, "Wouldn't it be ironic if Prince William gets engaged when I'm over there?  Wouldn't that just be crazy!?"  Well, it happened.

On that Tuesday--my last full day in London--my itinerary was chock full with fantastic adventures.  Spanning everything from a walk in St. James' Park through Westminster (by 10 Downing Street) to the Tower of London to a sunset climb of St. Paul's Cathedral.  

In fact, my day was so full that I was unaware of the history transpiring all around me.  Today, Prince William and Kate Middleton got engaged!  Royal history in the making!

I discovered this fact late in the day, as I was returning to my hotel for the night.  I had just experienced a spine-tingling evensong service at St. Paul's and had said my "cheerio"s to London--and my life-changing holiday--by walking along the River Thames to the nearest Tube stop.  As I walked to the illuminated underground terminal with the slew of London's evening commuters, my eye caught the cover of the free commuter paper, "The London Evening Standard":  


My prediction came true!  On my last day in London, I was a witness to history!  I had to grab a paper (for posterity's sake, of course) on my way onto my train.  The Tube ride home, there I was, "minding the gap," standing alongside true Londoners, reading about their monarchy's momentous news, experiencing history alongside of them.  Every commuter on that train had a copy of the paper, learning everything that could be known about the royal engagement; there was a certain buzz to that train ride of which I have never experienced before...a buzz about being a witness to history.

I was--after five days--a real live Londoner. 

Peruse the photos below for a little tour of the Westminster section of London, for those unable to attend the royal wedding...

The Mall, as I was walking towards Buckingham Palace...

The Victoria Memorial, in front of Buckingham Palace...

 Buckingham Palace...

The Queen's guards practicing for official royal parades (including the wedding procession)...

Westminster Abbey, where monarchs have been crowned since the 11th century...

The Union Jack, perched atop Westminster Abbey's spire...

 The side entrance to the Abbey...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Destination(s): London, UK and Paris, FR.
Airline: U.S. Airways.
Companion(s): Me, myself, and I.
Challenge: Accepting my self-portrait.
Outcome: A trip I will never forget.

Late last year, I had an adventure...one which I will never forget. 

I went on holiday--by myself--to London and Paris. 

When I share this with people, I often get similar reactions: Why by yourself?  Were you scared?  Did you get lonely?  My answers, respectively: Just because.  Not really.  Nope, I got to know myself in a whole new way.

It all came about because I had a revelation: I can't just keep waiting for "the right time" to follow my dreams.  I have to live out who God created me to be and follow the dreams he's given to me right now.  One of those dreams?  To travel.

There were times before (and during) when I questioned my ability to travel by myself and there were moments when I felt anxious about being alone, but those were untruths.  I can do these things, because I was fundamentally created to do them...by just being me, by accepting my self-portrait.

From the moment I touched down at Heathrow International Airport (LHR), to the moment I stepped off the EuroStar train in Paris, to the moment my plane touched off the ground en route back to Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), I lived out ME.  I was uninhibited by anyone's expectations--including my own.  I was liberated to follow my intution in where to go and what to do.  I experienced God's love and sovereignty on the Westminster Bridge, while watching the sun set behind the Houses of Parliament.

Silly as it may sound, every trip I take has a distinct personality...and a soundtrack.  This trip's personality?  Liberation, acceptance, and freedom from expectations.  The soundtrack?  Anberlin, "You Belong Here."

While clearly a love song between a guy and a girl, to me--standing on the Westminster Bridge, over the River Thames--it was God's love song to me.  "You belong here, you were meant to be; you belong here, you were meant to be with me."  I was meant to be who I am.  I was meant to follow the dreams he has for me.  This is the self-portrait I was living out in that moment--in the here and now.

I can't just keep waiting to live the life God has for me or to be the person I was created to be.  No, I need to fully accept the self-portait of ME...every day.  I belong here. 

Oh, the joy of living in the self-portrait of freedom.

As a single traveler, you have to get creative in photo-taking.  Here are some examples--from London to Paris.